Why Participate?

Carbon Fair is the first full-service platform in carbon credit management and trading, assisting companies in achieving their environmental goals and commitments.

Why support environmental and social projects?

A pioneer in the carbon credit market, we seek to support socio-environmental projects certified by Brazilian Research Institutes and internationally recognized companies.

Support socio-environmental projects certified by recognized Brazilian research institutes and companies.nnWe can justify the importance of your carbon neutralization or corporate emissions management by referencing data on Climate Change from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Social Inequalities from OXFAM, or Economic Losses from the World Economic Forum. However, we believe that no one is against environmental and social actions, and what will make people and companies act are transparent, simple, and effective solutions.nnOur mission began in 2008, with the first Brazilian carbon credit registry platform. Today, with Carbon Fair, we have launched the first platform for trading voluntary and socially fair carbon credits used to connect socio-environmental projects, companies, and individuals.nnAt Carbon Fair, we work with projects that are verifiable or already verified by the following carbon market standards: American Carbon Registry (ACR), Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB), Carbon Fair Standard (CFS), Gold Standard (GS), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Social Carbon (SC), and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). All projects with the Carbon Fair Standard (CFS) are verified by recognized research institutes and companies and have their solutions based on nature (Nature Based Solutions) and research (hard science).nnThe carbon credit mechanism is not the only solution; environmental commitments must be followed by changes in processes, consumption, and commitment to society.

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Companies and Carbon Credit Buyers:

Greater project diversity, transparency, traceability, and low cost.

Credibility: partnership with recognized institutions and companies and proven environmental and social benefits.

Achieve ESG social, environmental, and governance commitments and goals.

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Socio-environmental Projects and Sellers:

Measure and detail environmental and social benefits, according to recognized methodologies and third-party verification.

Facilitate access to the carbon credit market.

How can I know if the projects are really making a difference?

The Carbon Fair Trade platform ensures that your offsets make a difference in several ways. Before adding a project to the platform, it undergoes a rigorous analysis process by our team, external specialized consultancy, and a research center or other specialized company. The project must meet all criteria for additionality and environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Additionality refers to actual emission reductions that would not occur without the financial incentive of the carbon credit or are not common market practices. Finally, all carbon purchase and offsetting are recorded transparently, traceably, and auditable, with blockchain technology, giving you the certainty that your purchase was effective and benefited the socio-environmental project.